
Kamis, 10 Mei 2018

CPM Fun is a one-of-a-kind CPM-based ad network focused on monetizing all types of traffic. If you have a website, don't wait - join us and watch your revenue growing like never!
If you have an advertising campaign and need traffic for it - don't wait - join us and watch your conversions growing like never!

- 100% fill rate;
- International publishers accepted;
- NET 30 payments;
- Simple, real-time reporting
- Highest eCPMs in the industry
- Daily $$ bonuses for every publisher

Q: What is CPM Fun?
A: CPM Fun is an international CPM ad network and is free to join.

Q: What websites do you accept?
A: We accept almost every website so don't wait - join us! Your website must comply with our terms.

Q: What is the minimum amount of visitors my site must have?
A: There's no minimum requirement. Whether your website receives 10 visitors a day or 10000 - you can sign up and use our system.

Q: How much will I earn?
A: Earnings vary depending on the website performance and market conditions. Geographic location of your site traffic levels can also play a part in determining your overall revenue potential. Best way to find out is to try our network for several weeks - enough time for us to pick only the best perfmorming ads on your website.

Q: When will I get paid?
A: Payments are sent on a Net 30 schedule. For example, revenue that you earned in March would be sent to you by the end of April, usually much earlier. At the end of each month we calculate your earnings for that month and issue your payment within 30 days.
If you earned less than the current threshold ($100) at the end of the month, your earnings will be carried over to the next month.

Q: How will I get paid?
A: Currently we offer only PayPal as a payment method. Please contact us if you need different one.

Q: How many ad units can be placed on a single page?
A: You can place 1 instance at most of each ad size on a page, up to 3 total ads. For example, you can place one 300x250, one 728x90 and one 160x600, and not one 468x60 and two 728x90 units on a single plage.

Q: Do you pay for raw impressions?
A: Revenue is based on many factors, including traffic quality and performance. Earnings are updated several times per day based on these factors. All statistics, including impressions, unique impressions and eCPM are estimates. Please do not contact us asking how much you will make with XX pageviews per day, better try our network for around one week and see how your traffic performs.

Q: How can I increase my earnings?
A: Try adding more ad units on your pages (but not more than 3). Generally speaking, ads placed higher on your website convert better, earning you more money, so you can try to increase your revenue by moving your ads closer to the top of the website. Often, one ad unit placed on top of the website earns more than 3 ads in the footer.

Q: Do you offer pop-ups or pop-unders?
A: Yes, you can now allow us to open pop-ups / pop-unders (pops) through your website if you want to increase your eCPM and earnings. We will NOT display pops to every visitor of your website, they will be displayed to users that we currently don't have an appropriate advertisement for.
Earnings generated from pops will be included in your daily / country reports.
We do sell pop-up / pop-under to our advertisers but we may use partner networks for this purpose, too. Your personal information will not be shared with our partner networks, the only data they get is your website's URL address.

join with cpmfun click here
